Rita MacEachern

Marketing Assistant

E-mail: rmaceachern@younkerkelly.com

Phone: (902) 370-3050

Fax: (902) 629-1113

Matthew Younker

Financial Advisor

E-mail : myounker@younkerkelly.com

Phone : (902) 629-1118

Fax : (902) 629-1113

Jack Keenan

Financial Advisor

E-mail : jkeenan@younkerkelly.com

Phone : (902) 628-1423

Fax: (902) 629-1113

Zac Murphy

Financial Advisor

 Zac is a proud member of Advocis and he also serves on the Advocis Prince Edward Island board as their Program & Sponsorship Chair. In November of 2014 he was appointed as a board member of the City of Charlottetown's Youth Retention Advisory Board, and served in that role until December of 2018.

Zac Murphy was featured in an article in Wealth Professional. You can click here to read the article. 

Zac was named one of the top 25 up-and-comers in the industry by Wealth Professional in 2016. You can click here to read the article.

E-mail : zmurphy@younkerkelly.com

Phone : (902) 367-4250

Fax : (902) 629-1113